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There are many different styles of dog training and it can be difficult to know what is best for your dog, as an individual. 

Dog Days will work with your dog, as an individual to work out a method that best fits your dog, and you. We know that every dog is different and while one may respond to certain approaches, another may respond better to a different approach, while another may respond to a hybrid mix of approaches. 

We will also spend a lot of time with you, so that you also understand what your dog is learning, and how. Because of this, we only work in a 1-on-1 environment class, with, first, your dog, and them with you and your dog. Each class session will end with you, as part of the learning experience, so that you can bring those experiences home with you, to continue your dog's training, when we are not there. 

Positive Reinforcement: This is one of our favorite approaches, as most dogs will respond well to rewards such as treats, toys, praise and touch, for positive behavior, while negative or unwanted behavior is ignored, as opposed to giving harsh reprimands or physical punishment, that will, in many cases, can lead to stress, anxiety and even aggressive behavior. 

As your dog learns commands and positive behaviors, the rewards are gradually reduced. This method works best when the whole household also understands the commands and the reaction to positive behavior, to be able to maintain consistency, as well as the patience needed to grow positive behavior, as well as correcting negative behavior.


Scientific Training: While not necessarily a method that we have to pass along to the human in great amounts, we, as your dog's training partner, do strive to understand the 'Why' of your dogs behaviors and we are constantly trying to learn and keep up with new studies, to understand dog psychology, to better understand why your dog what your dog does.  

Clicker Training: This method relies on the same principles as Positive Reinforcement, simply replacing your praise with a 'click' or sharp whistle sound, to indicate immediately to your dog, that he has accomplished the desired outcome and that a reward is coming.

Relationship Based Training: This method combines many different aspects of all of our training methods, and can be said, what we mainly focus on, as we focus on you and your dog, as a family unit. The method strives to meet the needs of both you and your dog, strengthening your bond by teaching you how to understand your dog through body language, what rewards motivate your dog the best and what your dogs needs are in order for your to encourage good behavior and the best results. 

With this method, we control the dog's environment, to avoid as much distraction for your dog as possible, while the dog learns the positive behaviors, while gradually making the lessons more and more difficult, with more and more distractions, so that your dog will be able to understand and perform those good behaviors anywhere. 

We believe this method, which also incorporates many aspects of the other methods mentioned, builds a strong, deep and meaningful bond between you and your dog, and also takes a lot of time and patience.


We recognize that there are other forms of 'training' available, such as eCollar, Prong Collar and Alpha, but we choose to avoid those forms of training, as they rely on punishing the dog for unwanted behaviors, as opposed to responding to positive behaviors; teaching the dog to respond to adverse stimuli as opposed to training the dog to do what we ask, with positive reinforcement. We find that these methods create a lot of stress and anxiety for the dog and we have even seen instances where dogs have developed aggressive tendencies, where none had existed before this type of training. 

This is not to say that these methods do not have their place with some dogs and humans, we simply prefer to not use those methods, if it can be helped. 

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